I am interested in (not in order of preference):
Nature; Society; Free and Open Source Software; Industrial Automation; Design; Photography; Literature; Science; Music; Sports; History; Economics; Social Science; Privacy; Cybersecurity; Accessibility

At work, I focus on software systems for industrial process automation.

Though I live in Bengaluru (Bangalore), India, my favorite city is Mysuru (Mysore), India.

I must thank the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) community of Bengaluru for positively influencing my outlook towards software and society.

I believe in building an inclusive culture rather than ignoring demographics regardless of percentage. Let many flowers bloom in the garden.

I envision the Fediverse services built on ActivityPub as a digital town square that fosters moderate and sensible discourse and promotes consensus.

I was born when global CO2 level was 323 PPM (Ref:

#FLOSS #FOSS #IndustrialAutomation #Design #Photography #Camera #Science #StreetPhotography #MastIndia #Bengali #Bangla #Kannada #Hindi #Bengaluru #Mysore #Kolkata #IndianHistory #History #Soccer #Football #Economics #SocialScience #Democracy #Science #Privacy #Cybersecurity #Accessibility #Education #Programming #Python #Julia #Haskell #Sustainability #ClimateChange #MachineLearning #Digitalization

My views, thoughts or opinions shared, forwarded or endorsed by me as applicable in the corresponding context, in any social media are personal and belong solely to me, and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that I may or may not be associated within professional or personal capacity. Also, my views, thoughts or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.
All the content that I share, forward or endorse, in social media, is for informational purposes only. I am not liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of the content shared, forwarded or endorsed by me.

Srijit Kumar Bhadra

It happened yesterday and today, on Christmas day, I am reading it here.

At least 68 people were killed by an Israeli strike in central Gaza, health officials said Sunday, while the number of Israeli soldiers killed in combat over the weekend rose to 17.

There is no sign that the 2023 Israel–Hamas war will stop soon and peace will prevail on either side.

On December 13, 2023 India voted in favour of a resolution in the UN General Assembly (UNGA) that demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict and the unconditional release of all hostages.

This was the first time India had backed such a resolution since the war began more than two months ago. India’s vote in favor of the UN resolution demonstrates our concern for the humanitarian situation and, also, our commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region.

The resolution was unanimously accepted by the 193-member UN General Assembly during an emergency special session, with 153 states voting in favor, 10 voting against, and 23 abstentions. Unfortunately, this is simply an indication of worldwide sentiment. Unlike Security Council resolutions, General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding.

This Israel-Hamas conflict is fueling profit machines. Therefore, the war will continue to rage as thousands of civilians are getting killed as collateral damages.

#IsraeliLivesMatter #PalestineLivesMatter #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #HumanRights #MastodonIndians #MastIndia #India

cc: @mastodonindians @srijit


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

Edited 1 year ago

I am aware that feeling busy and being busy are not always the same thing. However, increase in the volume of interactions, can be perceived as an increase in busyness.

My conjecture is that people in my Indian society are more busy due to increased speed of peer-to-peer communication technologies, such as WhatsApp (and now Telegram Messenger), which has certainly changed the way we interact. I see that my friends, acquaintances and neighbors have became busier when Hotmail and Gmail became part of our daily life with respect to postal letters and PSTN based landline telephones with expensive subscriber trunk dialing. Now with low cost mobile calls across India and cheaper 4G/3G with WhatsApp and other social media, people have become even more busier.

WhatsApp’s and, now, Telegram Messenger’s popularity in India, with its large user base of more than 500 million and 100 million active users respectively, have made it a powerful tool for spreading not just information, leading to busyness, but also dissemination of misinformation and propaganda. WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram Messenger etc. may have played a significant role in shaping societal dynamics in India, and there are concerns about the impact such instant messenger tools have had on the fault-lines within Indian society. The situation can get worse with the advent of Generative AI driven misinformation.

The next level of busyness and social dynamics will arrive when augmented reality based P2P chat platforms become a commodity.


  1. Encrypted Messaging Applications and Political Messaging: How They Work and Why Understanding Them is Important for Combating Global Disinformation
  2. Govt may force WhatsApp to remove ‘end-to-end encryption’: What this means for users
  3. Deepfakes To Disinformation: Year 2023 Brought A New Era Of Digital Deception, Driven By AI
  4. Governance: Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, and Politics

#Mastindians #MastIndia #India #Transparency #Disinformation #Misinformation #Ethics


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

The Global Liveability Index 2023, from Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU), is available now. It ranks the cities that have the best and worst living conditions and quality of life around the world. EIU’s liveability index quantifies the challenges presented to an individual’s lifestyle and standard of living in 173 cities worldwide. The index measures cities on five broad indicators — stability, culture and environment, healthcare, education and infrastructure. The highest score a city can get is 100.

Bengaluru (Bangalore) secured 148th spot with a score of 58.7. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Ahmadabad have slightly better scores.

I believe Bengaluru (Bangalore) has the competence and the bandwidth to rank much better. All that is required in political will. If somebody has lived in Bengaluru even for few weeks, the first obvious expectation for improvement will be better traffic management, roads, public transport and cleaner city.

#City #CityLife #CivicLife #StandardofLiving #Liveability #LiveabilityIndex #GlobalLiveabilityIndex #LiveabilityMetrics #LiveabilityScore #Bengaluru #Bangalore #MastodonIndians #MastIndia #India

cc: @mastodonindians @srijit

Graphic by Prajna Ghosh, ThePri…

Srijit Kumar Bhadra

I have broadly observed that many tend to believe that ActivityPub-based Fediverse is associated with liberal or left-liberal political discourse. This perception may be due to user demographics and community norms or guidelines.

It is not fair to carry such a discernment in one's mind. The design and architecture of ActivityPub based Fediverse are politically neutral. However, the way it is implemented and used by different platforms and communities can reflect varying political ideologies. The Fediverse is a collection of interconnected social networking platforms that use ActivityPub, and these platforms can cater to diverse communities with different political beliefs and values.

It is important to re-emphasize that the Fediverse is a disparate ecosystem with a wide range of users and viewpoints. While there may be a prevalent perception of a liberal or left-liberal discourse, it does not mean that all users or instances within the Fediverse adhere to those ideologies.

#ActivityPub #Fediverse #Politics #PoliticalIdeology #PoliticalDiscourse #PoliticalThoughts

Srijit Kumar Bhadra

The presence of Indians, from India, in Fediverse is insignificant as on today. Most of us are happy with X and social media tools from Meta. Even the number of posts from existing users, in India, is very low though many of them seem to be active in the above mentioned social media sites.

What can be done to improve the situation? There are no carrots here.

#MastodonIndians #MastIndia #India

cc: @mastodonindians

Srijit Kumar Bhadra


প্রথমে ইউক্রেন-রাশিয়ার যুদ্ধ এবং পরে ইজরায়েল-গাজার যুদ্ধ আমার মনের মধ্যে প্রচন্ড প্রভাব ফেলেছে। আমার জীবদ্দশায় এর আগের যুদ্ধগুলো এতটা আমাকে মানসিকভাবে বিদ্ধস্ত করে নি। ছোটবেলায় ইরান-ইরাক যুদ্ধের কথা বেশ মনে আছে। পরবর্তীকালে ইরাকের সঙ্গে আমেরিকার যুদ্ধেরও খোঁজ-খবর রাখতাম। এরপর আফগানিস্তানে প্রায় দু দশক ধরে বোমাবর্ষণ হলো। এই বিষয় জারলাস্ট হালাইমজাই আফগানিস্তানে এই ক্রমাগত যুদ্ধের জন্য ওনার মেয়েবেলার কষ্টের কথা, যন্ত্রণার কথা লিখেছেন এবং বলেছেন। কিন্তু ওনার বক্তব্য কতজনের মনে দাগ কেটেছে?

কিন্তু ২০২২-২০২৩এ পৌঁছেও আমি দেখলাম যে মানুষ ইতিহাসের পাতায় যেমন আদিম ছিলো, বাস্তবে প্রায় সেরকমই রয়ে গেছে। মানুষ যে এখনো এতটা নৃশংস এবং এতটা বর্বর, সেটা আমার ছোটবেলায় কল্পনার বাইরে ছিলো। হিংস্রতার এই বিভীষিকা দেখার জন্য বিজ্ঞান আর কলায় এই তথাকথিত অগ্রগতি কোন প্রয়োজন ছিলো না। আজ কটা দেশের সরকার শপথ নিয়ে বলতে পারবে যে তারা মানবাধিকারে বিশ্বাস করে এবং সঠিক অর্থে মেনে চলে? একই কথা বলা যায় আন্তর্জাতিক মানবিক আইনের ক্ষেত্রে। ওই আইনকে বুড়ো আঙ্গুল দেখানোটাই বেশি স্বাভাবিক।

অনেক স্তন্যপায়ী প্রাণী নিজেদের প্রজাতিকে নানা কারণে হত্যা করে। কিন্তু মানুষের মতো নির্মম ভাবে গণহত্যা করা তাদের পক্ষে কি সম্ভব?

আমাদের মধ্যে মানবিকতার অভাব বরাবর ছিলো। হয়তো সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ার জন্য সামগ্রিকভাবে মানবিকতা বোধের অভাব আজকাল অনেক বেশী চোখে পড়ছে। তবে আগের তুলনায ইদানিংককাল সম্পর্কগুলি আরও বেশি লেনদেনমূলক হয়ে উঠছে যেখানে লাভই মূল উদ্দেশ্য। এর জন্য অমানবিককরণ কমবে না। আরো বাড়বে। যদিও অমানবিককরণই ভূ-রাজনৈতিক দ্বন্দ্বের একমাত্র কারণ নয়, এটি তাদের বৃদ্ধি এবং স্থায়ীকরণে অবদান রাখবে।

অতঃকিম? আমি জানি না।

#Bengali #Bangla #MastIndia #MastodonIndians

cc: @bengali_convo @srijit


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

Edited 1 year ago

মানবিকতার দাবী

গায়ের জোড়ে একদল লোক এসে এক বা একাধিক নিরীহ পরিবারের ঘরে বোমা মেরে অথবা আগুন জ্বালিয়ে দিয়ে তাদেরকে বিতাড়িত করে উদ্বাস্তু করে দেওয়াটা এই ২০২৩ সালে অসহ্য লাগছে। আগেও লাগতো। আজকাল আরো বাড়াবাড়ি লাগে। এর ওপর শিশুদের ওপর অত্যাচার, মেয়েদের ধর্ষণ করা, জল, খাবার আর ওষুধের সরবরাহ বন্দুকের নল দেখিয়ে ইচ্ছে মতো বন্ধ করে সাধারণ মানুষ আর শিশুদের উপর অকথ্য অত্যাচার করা ইত্যাদির কথা ভাবলে মাথা আরো ভোঁ-ভোঁ করে। আর কতোদিন আমরা অসভ্য থেকে এগুলো মেনে নেবো? সারা পৃথিবীতে একযোগে এর প্রতিবাদ হওয়ার সময় এসেছে। আমি যখন আমার সমাজের নিয়ম মেনে, আইন মেনে, কারোর কোন ক্ষতি করার চেষ্টা পর্যন্ত না করে একটু সুস্থ ভাবে বাঁচার চেষ্টা করছি, তখন আমার উপর অকারণে শক্তি প্রয়োগ করে, আমাকে উৎখাত করে আমাকে কেন সর্বস্বান্ত করা হবে? প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগের কারণে ঘর-বাড়ি হারানোটা অন্য প্রসঙ্গ। যদিও আজকাল প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগের কারণও অনেক ক্ষেত্রে মানুষের প্রয়োজনের তুলনায় অনেক বেশি শোষণ হতে পারে।

বাস্তুচ্যুত হয়ে দেশভিখারি হয়ে যাওয়ার যন্ত্রনা যে কি মারাত্বক সেটা আমরা বাঙালিরা হাড়ে হাড়ে জানি। দেশ মানে তো কেবল হোটেল অথবা রিসোর্টের ঘরের মতো একটা বাসস্থান নয়। মধুময় পালের ভাষায় -

দেশ মানে তো কেবল কাঁটাতার নয়, ভৌগোলিক সীমানা ছড়িয়ে একটা জাগ্রত স্মৃতি— গাছ-মানুষ-জল-মাটি মানুষের মনে থেকে যায়। সেটা মাটি হারানো একটা মানুষের সারাজীবনের খোঁজ। দেশ হারানো মানে একটা বেদনা— যেন মাতৃ-পিতৃবিয়োগ। যেন দেশবিয়োগ।

মধুময় পাল ওনার ‘দেশভাগ: বিনাশ ও বিনির্মাণ’ বইয়ের ভূমিকায় দেশভিখারি শব্দটা প্রথম ব্যবহার করেন। শঙ্খ ঘোষ সেটা অনুমোদন করেন।

প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ ছাড়া, দেশবিখারী হয়ে যাওয়ার পেছনে মানুষের জন্মস্থান, ধর্ম, রাজনৈতিক চেতনা ইত্যাদি কোন কারণই বৈধ হতে পারে না।

মানবিকতার বোধ সার্বিক ভাবে জাগ্রত হয়ে আমাদের চেতনার মধ্যে গেঁথে যেতে এখনো আমাদের অনেক অনেক যুগ লাগবে। এই প্রসঙ্গে জানাই যে মানবিকতার বোধ কিছুটা বুঝতে গেলে ভালোবাসার শহরের মতো সিনেমা দেখাটা খুব জরুরী।

#Bengali #Bangla #MastIndia #MastodonIndians

cc: @bengali_convo @srijit


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

Why should you care about Human Rights?

It is easy for anyone to become either a violator of human rights, or a person whose human rights have been violated. It is easy to fall into such a faction or relationship by not caring, not knowing, not being aware or even self-aware. Thus, we need to start with self-awareness and educate ourselves on the factual and emotional aspects, paying attention and taking a rational approach. The abuse of power-control relations is simply a matter of time: it begins once we stop caring, once we lose our compassion for other human beings.

~ Elmira Lyapina

#HumanRights #HumanRight #Humanity

A message to all those who don'…

Srijit Kumar Bhadra

Protect Civilians

I cannot say it better than what Sari Bashi, Program Director at Human Rights Watch says here.

You have to protect civilians, you have to protect the people who have nothing to do with fighting. That’s the principle that children can understand. When I tell my daughter, I know your brother hit you but doesn’t mean you can hit him back. I think we can have a very simple message to the Israeli government. I know Hamas committed unspeakable war crimes against Israeli civilians. That doesn’t mean you can commit war crimes against Palestinian civilians.

#IsraeliLivesMatter #PalestineLivesMatter #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #HumanRights

cc: @srijit


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

Edited 1 year ago

Fear and threat, conflict and surveillance have been mostly some of the key tenets of human economic activities since the beginning of the human civilization. The digital age has added large scale misinformation and bullshit which contributes to dehumanization. Anxiety, exhaustion, and emptiness have reduced our empathy and the ability to interact face to face. In the consumer space only those Internet dependent digital products which enables surveillance and dilutes the notion of privacy usually gain traction and often get accepted by the masses. Some of the reasons, for such a trend, may be as follows.

  1. Perceived Better Security: Surveillance technologies are often marketed as tools to prevent crime, terrorism, and other threats to public safety.
  2. Convenience and Efficiency: Facial recognition technology can be used for quick and seamless identification at airports or for unlocking smartphones.
  3. Social Norms and Acceptance: When people see others accepting and using these technologies without significant backlash, they may feel more inclined to accept them as well. This leads to network effect where increased numbers of people or participants improve the value of a good or service.
  4. Lack of Awareness and Understanding: Many users may not fully understand the extent of surveillance enabled by digital technologies or the potential negative consequences for decreased privacy.
  5. Trade-Offs and Trade-Downs: In some cases, users may willingly trade privacy for other benefits, such as personalized services, targeted advertising, or access to certain platforms or services. Such approaches also gets influenced by the subconscious and loosely defined digital threat model of the individuals.

#Fear #Threat #Conflict #Surveillance #Dehumanization #Privacy #ThreatModel

cc: @srijit


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome (OPS) is an interesting term coined by Professor Gad Saad. It refers to a type of human mind virus that causes a person to reject realities that are otherwise as clear as gravity. The term is derived from the behavior of an ostrich, which is believed to bury its head in the sand to avoid reality. OPS takes this concept a step further, leading to the complete rejection of reality.

People suffering from OPS do not believe their lying eyes and construct an alternate reality known as unicornia. In this world, science, reason, rules of causality, evidentiary thresholds, a near-infinite amount of data, data analytic procedures, inferential statistics, the epistemological rules inherent to the scientific method, rules of logic, historical patterns, daily patterns, and common sense are all rejected.



#OstrichParasiticSyndrome #Unicornia #ParasiticMind #ParasiticMentality #CommonSense #HumanMind #HumanPsychology #Psychology

cc: @srijit


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

Edited 1 year ago

Climate change is about saving the humanity and the corresponding ecosystem so that we people are saved. It is not about saving the planet which will change and continue. It is all about us.

#ClimateChange #CimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis

Reference: Climate change isn’t about saving the planet: It’s about saving the people


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

Edited 1 year ago

Bullshit and AI Chatbots

To understand that Bullshit is far more dangerous than lying one must read On Bullshit. Bullshit is distinct from lying.

The author Harry G. Frankfurt argues that bullshitters misrepresent themselves to their audience not as liars do, that is, by deliberately making false claims about what is true. In fact, bullshit need not be untrue at all. Rather, bullshitters seek to convey a certain impression of themselves without being concerned about whether anything at all is true. They quietly change the rules governing their end of the conversation so that claims about truth and falsity are irrelevant. Liars at least acknowledge that it matters what is true. Bullshit is definitely a greater enemy of the truth than lies are.

After using extensively large language model based general purpose AI Chatbots for Kannada language to Bengali language translations, I agree with Cory Doctorow when he says the following.

“ChatGPT can take over a lot of tasks that, broadly speaking, boil down to “bullshitting.” It can write legal threats. If you need 2,000 words about “the first time I ate an egg” to go over your omelette recipe in order to make a search engine surface it, a chatbot’s got you. Looking to flood a review site with praise about your business, or complaints about your competitors? Easy. Letters of reference? No problem.”

“Bullshit begets bullshit, because no one wants to be bullshitted. In the bullshit wars, chatbots are weapons of mass destruction. None of this prose is good, none of it is really socially useful, but there’s demand for it. Ironically, the more bullshit there is, the more bullshit filters there are, and this requires still more bullshit to overcome it.”

One must be extremely cautious to constantly monitor the output of large language model based general purpose AI Chatbots using the paradigm Zero Trust Information similar to that of Zero Trust Networking. There no better alternative as on today. The results of these large language model based general purpose AI Chatbots can be precariously misleading. However, there is no doubt that AI Chatbots are technological feats.

#Bullshit #Chatbots #LLM #ZeroTrustIInformarion #AI #OpenAI #ChatGPT #LargeLanguageModels #GoogleBard

cc: @srijit


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

বাংলা ক্যালেন্ডার অনুযায়ী আজ সোমবার বিশ্বকর্মা পূজা। শেষ কত দশক আগে আমি বিশ্বকর্মা পূজার সময় পশ্চিমবঙ্গে ছিলাম আমার মনে নেই। বেঙ্গলুরুতে এই পূজার প্রচলন নেই। এখানে আয়ুধা পূজা হয়। আমার কাছে আয়ুধা পূজার আচার-আচরণ অনেকটা বিশ্বকর্মা পূজার মতো যদিও দুটো পূজা সম্পূর্ণ আলাদা।

আমার অনেক দিনের ইচ্ছে একবার বিশ্বকর্মা পূজার সময় পশ্চিমবঙ্গে থাকা। অনেক ছেলেবেলার স্মৃতি জড়িয়ে এই বিশ্বকর্মা পূজার সঙ্গে। আমার মনে আছে এই দিনে পাড়ার মাইকে পূজার নতুন আধুনিক বাংলা গান শোনার সুযোগ হতো। বাড়িতে শুধু রেডিয়োর কোলকাতা ক আর বিবিধ ভারতী ভরসা। ওখানে ওই বছরের নতুন বাংলা গান আসতে অনেক সময় নিতো। শুধু আধুনিক বাংলা গান নয়, পূজার নতুন বাংলা সিনেমার গানও শুনতে পেতাম। ওইদিন আর পড়াশোনা হয়তো না। সারাদিন গান সোনা আর সন্ধ্যেবেলায় পর্দা টাঙিয়ে ১৬ মিমি প্রজেক্টরে দু-একজন বন্ধুর সঙ্গে থেকে পুরানো বাংলা সিনেমা দেখা।

এই বিশ্বকর্মা পূজায় আমি সেইসময়ের সুপারহিট বাংলা সিনেমা শক্তি সামন্ত পরিচালিত অমিতাভ বচ্চন এবং রাখি গুলজার অভিনীত “অনুসন্ধান” ছবির গান প্রথম শুনি। কোন একবার পর্দা টাঙিয়ে ১৬ মিমি প্রজেক্টরে উত্তমকুমার এবং সৌমিত্র চট্টোপাধ্যায় অভিনীত “স্ত্রী“ ছবিটা পুরোটাই আমি দাড়িয়ে-দাড়িয়ে দেখি। বসার ব্যবস্থা ছিলো না। খুব সম্ভবত কিশোরকুমারের “আমার পূজার ফুল ভালোবাসা হয়ে গেছে” গানটাও বিশ্বকর্মা পূজার মাইকে প্রথম শুনি।

#Bengali #Bangla #VishwakarmaPuja


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

One has to keep learning how to regulate emotions throughout life due to continuously changing environment and ecosystems around us.

I found Nawal Mustafa's tips to regulate emotions useful.

#MentalHealth #Wellness

cc: @srijit
How to regulate emotions when I…

Srijit Kumar Bhadra

Edited 1 year ago


Through the movie October was released in 2018, I heard the song चल (Chal - come or let’s go) on FM Radio recently. A few lines immediately touched my inner chords. The song got over and I moved on. Then, much later, on an exhausted Friday evening those feelings reverberated in my mind again. Since I could not recall the lyrics properly, it took me quite a while to trace the song and the movie. This time I got completely immersed and listened to the song several times. Then I watched the movie October which left a lasting impression in my mind.

If I ever get a chance to meet the director Shoojit Sircar, I will thank him for crafting a nice and sensitive movie in an unconventional format with stellar performances and without any melodrama.

I suggest that, if feasible, this movie October may be watched in Amazon Prime. The language will not matter due to good quality English subtitles.

The song चल (Chal - come or let’s go) is a beautiful expression of hope and unconditional bondage between two human beings. It is a reminder that even the tiniest moments can be wonderful, and that we should always treasure the time we spend with the seemingly insignificant things about which we care and with the people we love.

I am copying and pasting a portion of the lyrics below.

चल छोटी छोटी सीली
शामें जी ले चल
चल आधी आधी थोड़ी
झूठी चाय पी ले चल
चल थोड़ी सी हैं मेरी सांसें
दोनों जी लें चल

Life is short and the breaths are even shorter. It is worth to live the moments even by having a fake cup of tea together.

चल भीगी भीगी हवाओं के
साथी हो ले चल
चल हथेली पे बारिशों की
बूँदें तोले चल
चल थोड़ी सी हैं मेरी सांसें
दोनों जी लें चल

When life is short and breaths are even shorter, let us be the companion of the wet winds and live the moments by weighing the raindrops on our palms.

चल ठंडे ठंडे पानियों में
पांव डाले चल चल साहिलों पे माझी वाला
गाना गा ले चल
चल थोड़ी सी हैं मेरी सांसें
दोनों जी लें चल

When life is short and breaths are even shorter, let us cherish the smallest of the moments by dipping our feet in the cold water or by singing the fisherman’s song.

During the course of the movie October, we get to know that one of the lead characters was given a Bengali name Shiuli because of her fondness for the shiuli flower, which she loved collecting as a child with her grandfather. And aptly, throughout the movie, the viewer may experience the subtle fragrance of the flower shiuli.

The flower Jasmine is called শিউলি (Shiuli) in Bengali language. Every autumn (typically during October in India) the flower blooms during evening and the tree sheds the flowers in the wee hours. As I child, I used to wake up early morning, with my brother, to feel and collect the flowers, with a divine fragrance, in a basket. This was my annual routine for several years till the tree was chopped off. Very recently I got to know that it was due to the unavoidable menace of caterpillars.

Towards the end of this movie one of Tagore’s many brilliant compositions “আমার রাত পোহালো শারদ প্রাতে” (My night has ended with the dawn of autumn) started lingering in my mind. In this song the flower শিউলি (Shiuli) renders the delicacy of nuance which portrays some aspects of the poignant emotions of this movie.

Here is a nice translation of song (translated by Ratna De)

My night has ended with the dawn of autumn
O flute, who should I leave you with
In your heart played the tunes
Strung with farewells and arrivals
During spring and autumn, at dawns and at nights
The words that stay secret in the heart
You had stolen them in songs
Its time is now over
Like the stars at the end of night
Let it perish with the death of the Shiuli

#MastodonIndians #MastIndia #India #Movie #Cinema #Unconditional #Love #Bondage

cc: @srijit


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

E-mail providers - which one to choose?

For an interesting compilation and analysis of email providers, you may click here.

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Srijit Kumar Bhadra

One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.

~ Krishnamurti

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Srijit Kumar Bhadra

“Without questions there are no answers. And without answers no truth, no progress, no future.”

~ Victor Canning

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cc: @srijit


Srijit Kumar Bhadra

Aunindyo Chakravarty, former Senior Managing Editor, NDTV India & NDTV Profit, shares an interesting observation.

“India’s formally educated upper middle-class has a peculiar relationship with fake news. They know it is fake, but they still actively spread it, usually via WhatsApp. When confronted they withdraw into silence. Then they repeat the cycle, once again.”

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cc: @srijit

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