She/Her or It/It's, trans to the people who know me. I'm less active here, oh well...
Time to repair my typewriter. It's printhead was not moving smoothly past 50% of the paper, which turned out to be a guidebar screw that had just come loose. Not even snapped off; i just rescrewed it back to place.

The whole thing looks cheap, feels cheap. It's litterally held together by two screws! But on the other hand, that makes it easy to repair I guess?

I envy folks who have these ifixit toolkits tho. I have to do it all with one flat-head screwdriver... not such a big deal today, but one spring had come loose; and the process of reattaching it back took the better part of an hour.
The typewriter, with the top re…
An image of a dislodged metal g…
Image of the (brown, single-sid…
That one damn spring
Ok, I got myself whilst thrifting one of these wakeup lights. Was not exactly the kind of oldschool indestructable beauty of a bed alarm I was looking for, but thought it'd be worth a try.

Was waken up by it this morning, and genuinly impressed. No sudden wakeup shock, but not an alarm-so-soft-it-gives-you-anxiety-you've-missed-it either. I don't even have to look at the alarm; i can gently start waking up through my eyelids, and when it comes time my ears get fooled by the birdchirps until they don't.

I still gotto see if I will wake up as smoothly every time. But for now, call me impressed!
A philips "wake-up light" alarm…
The same alarm, this early morn…
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Would you look at that! Difficult one to play on a modern PC, but I'm sure to have fun with it!

According to the document I shared earlier (and other info I found online), the main role of the equalizing pulses is to make sure the vertical sync pulse of odd-line fields trigger at the same time as the even-line fields, despite the horizontal triggers being half a phase late.

The problem is that with the horizontal and vertical syncs embedded in one signal, the TV detects a vertical sync when the horizontal sync's vsync integrator goes beyond a thrashhold. Hence, it's imperative that that thrashhold gets hit at exactly the same time both fields, which requires both to be discharged at the same time despite the capacitor in odd fields holding half a charge.

According to this logic, one would need 6 short blanks to discharge a half-charge capacitor fully.

Of course, the reason this peeked my interest is the potential to replace the 0-½ interlace pattern of traditional television with a 0-⅓-⅔ pattern, potentially increasing vertical resolution by 33%.

If my logic is correct this would require to increase the amount of short blanks from 6 to 8. This is assuming that one full syncless line accumulates 12 units of charge, and the maximum retardement we'd face would be 8/12th of a line.

The way to accomplish this would be to sacrifice one scanline for creating an extra half-line sync pulse. Yes, this would imply 287 and not 288 active scanlines, and would mean that our effective active resolution would be 1440x861 and not 1440x864. Details, details!

Then we can just shift the first blanking line post-equalizing pulse ⅓ and ⅔ instead of ½, and we'd get a 3-field interlacing sequence instead of a 2-field interlacing.

Interestingly, the implication is that if a digital system ain't aware of what the heck's going on, it'll show the first field correctly and then interpret both of the second fields as one odd-line field.

One small note on my research: i have no heck the idea what i'm talking about. The role of the equalizing pulses is ill-explained on wikipedia and the internet in general. But the clue of their role I found actually on the wikipedia page for the old British 405-line system which *lacked* them. It said they needed to be synthesized for integrator-type sync seperation systems (by the broadcaster or by the set) and was not needed for other types of sync seperation. So I googled "integrator+equalizing pulses analog video" and got what I needed.

I find in general info on non-525/625 video systems lacking, I'd love to know more about 35p, 180p, 441i, and other early video standards even if I'm never gonna find signals to test them with. Also did you know France had a monochrome 819i50 system at some point?

Oh well...
An image of the role of the syn…
The same image with some modifi…
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Litterally the first time in my life I found the actual info I needed in one of these stupid powerpoint presentations! Oh well...
As to how my Instax took it... yeah, judge for yourself
A print of this test pattern on…
For this pride month...

...yeah, I quickly needed to check the gamma for my camera, but none of the test patterns pleased me. So I made my own test pattern.

It's very busy (too many ideas) and not very professional (cause it's me) but have fun!
It's a video test pattern. Lots…
Tried out "vegetarian cheese" today... not bad, not bad.

Bit too young for my taste but I definitly don't have the budget for old cheese right now and in fact, this is cheaper than any cheese; which is partially the reason I took it. Also, just curiosity.

I do like how hard they try to avoid saying "cheese" on the package; even tho I know it's for kinda a dumb reason.
A package of "plantaardige plak…
The thing is already gaining pretty serious "early video editor" swagger... It can open it's own files, juggle around with (my own proprietary of course) edit lists, mark clips for deletion that it'll just skip in playback, easily-ish move around the whole clip; and now I slowly gotto think about the whole other side of the package, which is gonna be the tool to assemble these clips back together. Not bad of a progress for a few evenings work and about 300-ish lines of code!
The same video editor, with muc…
My PC is too potato to render video
Normal peopls:
  • Get a better PC
  • Use an older video editing package
  • Downrender to a lower resolution

  • Implement my own crappy video editor
Anyways yesterday I forgot to sleep
A screenshot of an ugly video e…
re: Also no that wasn't me, i only reblog 'artistic nudity' :bluefox_blush:, gross kink mention
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Pride flag for people who like to get railed
A photo of a Dutch train, with …
re: That one dumb 'french region' meme
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The world trying to prevent the saxophone from being invented:
Sax faced many brushes with dea…
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I always seem to get the most obscure errors on my work's windows laptop... it's increadible how much bad luck I seem to attract, especially with this windows 11 machine

An empty windows teams notifica…
A shadow of a window, without i…
An error message about the wind…
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