the reason seems to be that i’m currently flooding another database with very expensive requests
which uh a drop database should be really quick tho? just delete a folder or sth
currently it is running a very expensive autovacuum due to said expensive requests lol
@charlotte "the world was de-gaussed when Carl Friedrich Gauss died." Now to do that to hard drivers!
@charlotte Oh I dislike it when the server crashes like that.
@patterfloof i think this server is getting booted
well at least parts of it
@charlotte haha I have seen this image before with the caption « remember to tip your server »
@charlotte looks more like a blade frame with 2 blade servers on the right and disk arrays on the right.
@charlotte All that stuff should be inside the big box, right ? 😁
[Later] "I told you one of the rack wheels was locked!"
@charlotte This is what happens when you don't pay your servers minimum wage
@charlotte Bobby Tables at it again... he's such a kidder.
(seriously though this hurts to look at 😂)
@charlotte So, that's what happened to Little Bobby Tables after he grew up and started to work in IT ☠️
@charlotte I hope they remembered that RAID is not a backup.
@charlotte My favourite caption for this picture is "Don't forget to tip your server!"
@charlotte And THAT is why you don't run SELECT * FROM * queries on unindexed tables, kids.
(J. Walter Leatherman)
@charlotte haha I love this for so many reasons. 1st It's not mine. 2nd Many of the comments are just hilarious.
@charlotte Little Bobby Tables visits the Metaverse
In Spanish we say "Se cayó el servidor/sistema" (roughly "The server/system fell down") when any system is slow or not responding. This is the physical representation of that phrase...=)
@billstewart415 @charlotte this was the reply I was looking for. No! Little Bobby Tables! What did you do!
@charlotte also called "unplanned backup policies & reliability testing in prod"
@charlotte I mean... it *might* still have parity? :P
@charlotte Please don't say the Virtual Tape Library was hosted on the same rack as the database server.
@charlotte this made my day. Not the breakage. But the comment cracked me up.
@charlotte Reminds me of that episode where Data needed to plug all the isolinear chips back in...
"Hi, help desk? Our server is down... No I don't think switching it off and back on would be of any help..."
@charlotte once upon a time I stood in a datacenter waiting for an e10k to shut down. It broke through the raised floor almost toppeling over and we did our best to support it. Once it shut down we we able to pull drives … to get her lighter. No customers hurt in this incident, second one took over.
@tabtwo @charlotte That reminds me of a post I read online a while back about how some idiots filled multiple racks with full out bladecentres... and the datacenter floor collapsed
@charlotte So that's what RAID10 is for.
@charlotte at first this caused me great consternation but then i thought: oh no a mixtape website's storage servers oh no what a shame
@charlotte I don't think Data is gonna get all those Iso linear chips back in there this time.
@guysoft @charlotte @qugalet @Polychrome So what RAID level was that anyway
@charlotte That server went out on the razz and has fallen over insensate, emptying it's contents onto the floor with abandon...