"you can't put knives in the dishwasher"
"you can't put large pots in the dishwasher"
"you can't put wood in the dishwasher"
Shut up. I will literally put everything in the dishwasher. What do I even have it for if I can't put anything in there
"this utensil isn't dishwasher-safe"
Ok cool. I'm just gonna get a different one then
@schratze der trick ist einen tab in die spülmaschine zu legen und dann spülen zu lassen
dann wird sie sauber
@schratze A really nice cup lied to me when I ordered online. Said it was dishwasher safe, turned out to not be, so I'm stuck with a unwashable cup
@schratze tbh in my experience pots are fine (all-metal, no coating) and wood is fine (it just has to dry a lot longer) and I have one knife that's the designated dishwasher knife (it's a wee bit dull at this point but it's fine, I have other knives for when I need really sharp ones)
@schratze I can't put one of my bowls in the dishwasher. It's literally bigger than the dishwasher. Anything else can and will be put in.
@schratze And when the dishwasher is still full of clean dishes, you can always hide the dirty ones in the oven as usual.
@schratze but how do you wash the dishwasher, can you put the dishwasher into the dishwasher?
@schratze Same. I put everything into the dishwasher, even if it says that I can't. If it doesn't survive, well, then I wouldn't have wanted to keep it anyway.
@schratze tbh if everything else goes into the dishwasher im fine with hand washing like 2 or 3 things because its just so little effort at that point.
but can we talk about food containers that "aren't microwave safe". why would you make a plastic box to put leftovers in and then not make it microwave safe..
@schratze This is similar to the standard clothing rule in our household: everything is machine washable, it either survives or it doesn't.
@schratze I haven't had a dishwasher in so long I forget about that shit
It's fucking ridiculous
I have a dishwasher. It came with the house. I store all sorts of crap in it. I also have a tumble dryer. Fuck that, why would I use a tumble dryer? I store even more crap in that.
Because its there, has no other use and I can't afford to remove it. May as well stick some plastic bags in it then!
@schratze @MostlyTato
*points to the fridge, a machine literally for storing things*
@schratze I remember being yelled at to wash the dishes beforehand in which case
Why the fuck am I using a dishwasher
@schratze "You can't put Nightjar in the dishwasher*
@schratze why does your dishwasher eat them? it doesn't sound healthy, maybe they should just wash them
@schratze a dishwasher used to be a person back in the day
@schratze we have 1 knife that is not allowed in the dishwasher because i am the only one who can touch it, apparently it is too sharp
@Vierkantor @schratze posts that make me go: serial killer or good cook?
@skippingmoonrocks @schratze this knife has never drawn blood nor cut flesh! it is a vegetarian knife. you all just need to make sure your fingers are not in the knife's future.
@schratze @MostlyTato
I, too, have used unused appliances built into my apartment as storage, in Frankfurt.
Back in Life v1.x, I'd store stuff in the camper all the time. Also in unused appliances sitting in the garage.
I get it.
@BlippyTheWonderSlug @schratze
TBH I'd prefer some extra cupboards!
Dishwasher's were never designed to wash dishes. We wash ours then the machine rinses and sanitizes.
Drop a half cup of apple cider vinegar in the machine before it starts and the load sparkles when its done.
That's the problem area that can include knives. And it's rhis sort of knife in the picture that we were warned about. The different materials and how they're joined.
The edge of a knife could be damaged in a dishwasher. Could it knock against something?
making dishwasher safe equipment via selective breeding
@schratze put tree in the dishwasher
Put rocks in the dishwasher
@schratze everything in your kitchen is a knife, wooden or a large pot?
@schratze no!!! don't do it!!! this dish is coated with dishwasher-detergent-activated-explosive!!!!! you'll kill us all!!!!!!!
@schratze aww boo I assume there's nothing else on the circuit that you could turn off while the dishwasher is on?
I knew a person who put computer parts in the dishwasher... legit thought that was a good idea
Last time I had that issue a mouse had chewed through the waste pipe... So the plug was basically always sitting in a pool of water.
@adaliabooks @schratze Oof. Currently having an issue like that too in my house. The downstairs apartment has a leak somewhere, and now we gotta tear up the entire floor on the kitchen area because of moisture damage
The thing about large pots?
Yeah I would love to make better use of the dishwasher by putting a dozen plates on there instead of one pot. But I don't have a dozen dirty plates?? I have a dirty pot???
I agree that we could make much better use of the dishes that exist in the marketplace of ideas
@schratze who is saying that you can't put large pots in the dishwasher. (sharp) knives i can get, wood as well, but large pots? it's just metal. my dishwasher has a *dedicated pots program*.
@operand but they take up all the space! The space could be better used by a dozen plates! Which we don't have, but still!
@schratze me after just moving in to a new place and having a dish washer for the first time in 8 years. let's fuckin go!
@charlotte "this article of clothing must remain wet at all times"
@schratze zdf magazin autor:innen lesen hier mit